Global Climate Strike

On September 24th many a soul around the world participate in a Global Climate Strike. Here I participate with some thoughts I wish to share. The only feasible solution to the Climate Crisis, is not a scientific one, but through policy. It is upto the ones in power - both in industry, finance and politics to make the right call, uproot the system and plant it anew. Why? I am glad you asked. Let me explain…

Fixing 434 links in 111 files for pyenv

A.K.A. shell scripting is awesome, and why don’t-repeat-yourself (DRY) matters. Context: PyPy moved its repositories to Heptapod (unrelated, but I have to mention it is an awesome source-code forge and a project) and binary builds to PyPy could no longer be installed using pyenv. Since I happened to try install PyPy the same day it stopped working, I was among the few it noticed it.