PyCon Sweden 2022 - Beyond 100% test coverage
Lightning talk
Lightning talk
A tiny javascript to backfeed replies
On September 24th many a soul around the world participate in a Global Climate Strike. Here I participate with some thoughts I wish to share. The only feasible solution to the Climate Crisis, is not a scientific one, but through policy. It is upto the ones in power - both in industry, finance and politics to make the right call, uproot the system and plant it anew. Why? I am glad you asked. Let me explain…
I bought a domain name -- an address, a virtual place to call it home. The
It is hot everywhere. An info-graphic, a stark reminder that the worst is not over yet.
Different ways to compose ternary operator to condense if-else statements
A.K.A. shell scripting is awesome, and why don’t-repeat-yourself (DRY) matters. Context: PyPy moved its repositories to Heptapod (unrelated, but I have to mention it is an awesome source-code forge and a project) and binary builds to PyPy could no longer be installed using pyenv. Since I happened to try install PyPy the same day it stopped working, I was among the few it noticed it.
Tweaking the world wide web, one CSS stylesheet at a time
Put your programming font to the ultimate test case.
Constructing obscure keyboard maps a.k.a. shortcuts in Vim to make repetitive tasks easier
The only model for peer-review which makes sense: the “No free view? No review!” signature campaign and why the existing publishing system needs an overhaul
Resources to keep your children entertained
One that lasts
How we created project We Care! in this COVID-19 themed hackathon
A simple test page to see what parts of Indieweb actually works
A journal of how I setup BOINC and Folding@home on my laptop running Arch Linux.
Within a Ubuntu LTS pre-installed laptop
Lowering writing inhibitions with tech
Considerations while selecting a permissive license for your open-source
eTurb - Efficient simulations of turbulence in atmospheric boundary layers
Representing Transonic
We now have multiple Python interpreters and let’s see what is in store.
Use ethical solutions. Archive your data. REPL.
Computing Feigenbaum constant
Paper about how turbulence in shallow water equations evolves and gives rise to shock waves.
The never-ending yearning for the other side.